Kali Ma’s Love

Kali Ma’s Love

I had been working on learning to create necklaces one day and Goddess Kali was the first I felt to create for. It was a sacral and root chakra healing stone necklace that I’d intuitively chosen the beads of. 

As I patterned my beads to string them, I suddenly felt an unprovoked rush of sensual energies of a lower nature.  I wondered where it came from and said no to it.  I then saw Kali in my third eye. She was down in my sacral and root chakras, ferociously consuming… something.  I waited for understanding or recognition and it came to me- Of course! Kali consumes and slays the demon that had multiplied! An impossible evil foe! She liked to and was not tired or weakened in so doing. 

She who is ferocious demon slayer was consuming demonic energies left over from traumas that effected my lower chakra body.  I began to cry gratitude.  I didn’t know that Kali could help with sexual traumas until then.

I pray to Her daily and this allowed Her to intervene when I said no to feeling something that wasn’t my choice or will to have in my energy field. Something that had felt dominating over me.  I learn that Kali will assist with the clearing of demonic attachments and anchors, that multiply through fears and unhealed wounding.  I learn I can say no to the abuses of the past, now- and I have support to do so.  Powerful and unconditionally loving support. 

That which had left me feeling as a victim and helpless before, became my strengthened faith in Kali Ma’s love for me and the Divine balance healing allows we survivors to receive. Healing is the practice of receiving and stretching tolerance for love, joy, and ultimately gratitude for every moment of our life. The impossible becomes the possible new life we deserve and that is worthy of our hearts, truly.

By Raven

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I’m Raven

Welcome to Open The Violet Door, my small corner of the internet where I share my story and experiences, with a concentration on heart-centeredness and soul healing.

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